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Our Team

It is our first year in MIST, but we are dedicated to give it our all. Our  team consists of creativity and passion, and we are always ready to take on a new challenge.  

How it works


So how does MIST work? Different MSAs compete with each other inside of the states. The MSA with the most points accrued at the end of the three-day competition (points are mainly gained through winning competitions), proceeds to nationals where it meets with other MSAs

Want to join?

If you want to join our MIST team, contact our MIST coordinator/Head of MSA, Sr. Rabia Javed. Please contact her no later than February 1st. 

Each year, MIST has a theme and most competitions have to be aligned with that theme. This year, the theme is the Race Against Time. 

More info

Here are some helpful links to give you more information about MIST:


MIST 2016 Rulebook

MIST Regional Website

MIST National Website



Our Team
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